SWTOR: Introducing My First Raid Group
These people were my very first raid members in my first MMO. The other raid group I drew in “SWTOR: My First Raid” was of our GM’s raid group and Andi and I were filling in.
Our offtank’s name was Sylutt. Yes, and I actually thought it was just another gaming name until I was told why he changed his name. If the name was reported, should he have not changed to something less offensive? At the time, I wasn’t sure how to react to it… it was my first time meeting my new raid group and I did not want to make this occasion awkward. Because I was the only female gamer in the group and had the least gaming experience, in a way, I felt like I had to try to fit in….so, I let it go.
Before pulls, he would actually /dance without his top and bottom, which is why I drew him with only his helmet on. While his name was offensive, as a raid member, he was fairly nice guy and a skilled tank. At least he did not look down on me as a gamer because of my gender.
Unfortunately for some of my female gamer friends, they have experienced some difficult times in their raid groups because of certain very chauvinistic male gamers, demanding, for example, that the girl should go and make him some sandwiches. There is much to say about this topic, but I am thinking of addressing these issues in a future post. Stay tuned for SWTOR, ArcheAge, and a gamer cat comic next week! 🙂