
Thank you for visiting my site! Admittedly, this is my first webcomic site. I am hoping to experiment with various tools, topics, and themes, and let my comic and art style evolve into its own personality.

During daytime, I teach nutrition. At night, I draw.

Although I have not had formal art training, I came to inherit my love and passion for art from my artist mother who always took me to numerous galleries and exhibitions. Gaming, both platform and PC, have been a (closet) hobby – currently I am playing SWTOR mainly. I hope to become a professional illustrator one day – for book children’s book illustrations or perhaps a paper (I know, big very distant dream, right?). But for now, I am practicing and just having a great time, doing what I love.

Note: For my comic, I am using gamer names and pseudonyms to maintain privacy, since all the stories are based on real people.

Editing/altering my comics in any shape or writing is not allowed. If you would like to share them to your friends and family, please feel free to do so (just let them know it’s from this AWESOME comic strip).

