This was a true story. She had two straws and had to share one drink with her younger brother. Apparently, she did this every time they had to share a drink. Halloween short story coming up this week! 🙂
This was a true story. She had two straws and had to share one drink with her younger brother. Apparently, she did this every time they had to share a drink. Halloween short story coming up this week! 🙂
Sigh* yes, yes… I am getting old. Thanks for reminding me, all the time, Andi. But, it means, I am a bit more mature now…right? >_> Have you ever re-watched a show and realized that you start to like the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What can happen when we answer to stereotypes… whether it’s about marriage, relationship, love, gender, race, etc… it can become reality. It’s a chicken and egg question: do we build stereotypes because it can easily explain our actions or do[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…